It has become really nice, but everything is dry straw! But today, oh wonder, at last! "The day when the rain came ..." It also came hedgehog, hornets and biped (the camera crew from SAT1) in the garden, but more about it next time!
Blog Dear friends! This post is without any commenting because I work together with a television team. My next post is with comment.
The hornet and the Hedgehog, both thirsty!
So, my friends, next time I'll be a little more communicative. Then you can learn, among other things, why I once again hardly any text. But you can also on Sunday, 05/03/2009 watch in SAT1 WeckUp at 8 clock, then you know it already!
Dear Blog Friends, is a somewhat unusual post and not typical for me. But the first time I had to look for many years on tour without gardens, have met with Rome a wonderful city and I can not decide which is the 1000 pictures I show you. Sip, there are many, not really bad, I could have split Rome, but the next post will deal with my garden and one of us bloggers, it will be built in cooperation with Grünzeux and SAT 1 and you can read here about it and am in SAT1 Sunday 03/05/2009 see in the show at 8 clock Weckup Grünzeux 'Sempervivum and garden. So today there are many pictures without text to the appetizer, if you even once in the cradle of European Kultur reisen wollt.
Dear blog friends! I visited Rome in the Easter time and I made 1000 photographs!!! I can 't show you all the pictures but here are many of them without a lot of words. Normally I would show it in two parts but it is not possible. My next post I will work together with Grünzeux and SAT 1 television about our gardens and about the blogging.