Actually I wanted to with you a nice late summer walk through my garden ! Make But ...
Normally I would show you just the moment in my September Garden!
But ...
already in the living room I quickly realized that is probably nothing! Instead of a patio door in the winter garden is a wooden crate wedged.
This is my living room and now it 's garden not possible to go from here in my garden and in the winter.
So I go first to where usually the "Garden of Remembrance is. But here is nothing - Except for a skeleton and a giant crane behind the fence. garden So I want to show you at first my front. But here is the same - nothing - only the scaffolding and outside the big crane.
But there in the corner, when a yellow light out, what is that? In the corner of the front garden I see a yellow light. What is that?
Oh no, that may not be true, a Christmas rose in September? I can 'T believe it - here is a blooming hellebores in September?
fight through the garage by myself in the rear part of the garden. Whoops, here it is anything but moderately garden, where only Sempervivum 's Winter Garden and where is the garden? I take you by your hand and go with you through the garage. It's dangerous! And where 'garden Sempervivum' s "is the winter garden and where is?
When I ask the owl in my garden, they just look reproachfully and says that lasts for weeks to some extent normal to it looks like you did this to us but upon itself! I'm asking the owl after my beloved garden. The owl is looking very reproachful and is answering that I must wait some weeks more to receive my back garden.
I swallow the answer down in shame and search for my garden. I want to see some flowers and walk through the garden.
Everywhere the potted plants are from the winter garden and potted plants from the terrace, not a way more accessible. It 's not possible to go at all because the path flower tubs and flowerpots from the house and the winter garden are in the line of the path and into the grass.
I'm getting grumpy, soothes even the delicate color of the Eichblatthortensie me. I'm angry and it's not comforting to see the Hydrangea quercifolia.
manno Oh, here come the autumn crocus, I slept through sheer site my summer garden. This is really Autumn, I didn 't see my summer garden I had only to do with my building site.
The harvestman does not bother the mess in the garden. Some animals are looking for a winter place.
A clematis flower attracts me to the Rose Rondell. This Clematis is blooming in the rose rondelle.
Oh you shame because, the complete outsourced Wurzerlküche and my Sempervivum Collection at that. How romantic! My Sempervivum kitchen and the whole collection of Sempervivum is here. How romantic!
"The bee buzzes - Sempervivum buzzing!" I can say. The elephant ear flower tirelessly alongside the pond, a new method of planting is not the shore, across the indoor plants are distributed. The little bee is astonished about the blossom of the Haemanthus albiflos. What plans do this Thurs near the pond?
Oh, how beautiful, in is the spa area there is at least a brief look through the Normalo-glasses! Ah, this is nice to see!
How nice that here the faded panicle of the late spring poppy flower of the Rose "Bonica 82" flattered. I want to take this look into the house and show you. The Maclaya and the rose 'Bonica 82 "are really a great team
Then I make the mistake of turning around me ... no comment! What a mistake to look back to the house ... no comment!
I quickly turn my back to the garden to see that it is right now autumn, while I busy with my work in the house. was. Yes, it happens that I can show you no reasonable Garden Potpourri for September. You have to maybe just pick out the fall of 2008 in the label, so I will comfort me now too. Unfortunately, I have promised the district office, also in 2010 the "Day of the garden door open" to participate, but right now I can not imagine that there could be the expected 700 visitors can now enjoy to walk through my garden. But at least I hope I will soon have more time for my return visits with you, namely your missing me. It's better to see my front garden. But here it's really Autumn! I can see it now and I can 't understand that I didn' t had a garden in Summer this year. And I have no idea - next year I will open my garden once more with the "Open Garden Gate". What can I show my visitors in the next June? But I know I will have more time to visit your blogs soon!
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