ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SECTION IN SEMPERVIVUM RHEINHESSEN! This year I was the first time for the annual meeting of Sempervivum freaks responsible. With Majorahn ( ), I found a great host garden and also get the same two other recommended gardens to visit. The conclusion on Sunday was the Garden of Grünzeux that some of you even know of SAT1, where we wrote together about blogging and our gardens. But first things first, I will like you a taste of all 4 gardens . Let The great thing, you can visit them all. The visitor data for "open gardens and courtyards," you will find on the Internet at , or Majorahn. Let's start with the same and her garden.
Today I will show you 4 different gardens in Rheinhessen in the West of Germany. I hope you enjoy it. It was the meeting of my group of Sempervivum there. Come with me to Majorahn. You can find more pictures of this interesting garden under
these images before my very good impression of the landscape. There, it is baked wonderful cakes, not always with Sempervivum batter, and Rebholz shows that obtained in the rolling vineyard hills a good drop. Majorahns garden is very culture-conscious, playful, yet we see everywhere the hand of hard-working professional gardener. In Rheinhessen you can find a landscape with a lot of wine-growing. The garden is full of Majorahn with this culture (look the old wood!) And you see the great profession of the lady gardener!
The September seen in Majorahns garden at its best.
It's September but the garden of Majorahn is still blooming.
It is to admire so much that they would not miss the flower florescence. Who would have the idea to create a disused satellite dish as Alpinum?
In this garden are so many interesting details to find.
peace brings buxeingefasste herb and vegetable garden in the island.
Here we can find something to eat!
The small, fine sunken garden is primarily a refuge for Sempervivum.
The little sunken garden is a wonderful place to show the Sempervivum plants.
found Everywhere tranquil harmonious arrangements to present the Sempervivum great way.
The Sempervivum is everywhere in this garden.
side of the terrace is a fine rock garden is laid out - Star is here, of course, Sempervivum, but there are also classic companion plants to as sedum, dwarf iris, dwarf grasses and many small cushion shrubs. At a price trough, garden guide, tombola, plant and garden book sale and the delicious cake bar in the afternoon passed in Majorahns garden in no time.
The rock garden is next to the terrace. The most important here is Sempervivum plans as well but here are a lot of companions like Sedum, Little Iris, and other plants.
On Sunday morning we visited the winery Bauer Schwab Bechenheim. The patio looked very promising.
The second garden was awaiting us in Bechenheim.
expected back this old door us Kneipp garden, which had been created in this historic farm complex.
Behind this old door we finded a "Kneipp garden" which is situated in the historic ground.
This garden is beautifully nestled in the rolling countryside of Rheinhessen and the wonderful low stone wall also leads to look further into the distance.
The old stone wall is very impressioned and it's possible to see outside in the landscape.
The main focus in this garden is the smell, spice and medicinal plants Bible.
The mostly perennial herbs are historic plants.
Also in the autumn still trumps with beautiful warm sunny colors.
sunny How are the colors of this Autum plants.
Nevertheless, one can already imagine the end of the gardening year.
I felt that the end of this garden year is near!
The Barefoot spiral with fragrant thyme mats and the like brings meditative calm in this garden. Very pleased with this visit, we drove on.
Wonderful smelling plants are to find here. But now we go into the next garden.
We arrived in the garden of the family Menzel Wöllstein.
This is the garden of the family Menzel.
The above ornamental ginger and subsequent shadow area with lots of Cyclamen hederafolium Journal and rare beauty let us sense already know what to expect. Hedychium coccineum and a great border with Cyclamen hederafolium and wonderful colored leafs are awaiting us near the entrance.
It's soon clear this is not gardening, here is painted!
If you see, here isn 'ta gardener, here you find at artist!
, then through a harmonious garden, which has the color combinations and the perfect blend of exotic and native plants are a fantastic tension. We are walking through a wonderful garden with great colors and the perfect of mixed european and exotic plants.
For beautiful sedum species everywhere in the garden square.
This Sedum is in the middle of the resting place.
The white birch bark and the plumbago sub-plantation form a quiet focus for the autumn paintings in the background.
The white birch with the blue plumbago is great and I love the perennial herbs with the beautiful colors in the background.
Such painted beds have to comment just do not enjoy it. Unfortunately, we must also leave.
This "painted" Borders are a great pleasure!
Here Sempervivum play a major role. You receive from us laugh pots, planes, tanks and tables.
Yes, in this garden you will find that is a lot of Sempervivum everywhere.
is of course also in Schöneck-Büdesheim already seen the October issue clearly.
Autumn, Autumn, Autumn!
In Grünzeux also the pond is a little different than usual.
What can we find near the pond? -Sempervivum-
Well, then, enjoy your meal!
If you get an appetite be careful!
The garden is still young, but he is so well thought out, so cleverly planned and executed so perfectly that they do most every year, a visit here, or a trough of course join. This garden is young but perfect planned. I want to come back every year!
rest once more in the small sunken garden area, then our 2010 annual meeting of the Section Sempervivum final story. Who knows where we are meet again next year. Like we garden here in the first place so the sunken garden. I 'm thinking now, where will be the next Sempervivum meeting in 2011?
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