Sempervivum - high and will forever n 'it live! Dear Blogger, I'm sorry that I long could not make out with you and I have not posted for so long. I'm about to roll up my house violently and will the next quarter of a post not so often can, I would like to.
show Today I you no actual pictures from my garden. It has him zerhagelt violent and Hostasalat, square meters as herausgesichelte perennials and tore bushes I want you, would not expect. For those of you who have been asking about me, I thank you for the love care and assure You, the hail has indeed processed my car to Swiss cheese, but I'm fine! (As far as a gardener with such a garden can still be fine.) Garden
I 'm sorry but I had a terrible hail in my. There is nothing more to photograph what I could show here.
But I have brought from a garden visit in Mittelfranken pictures of a very special plant. You can find here "Sempervivum" everywhere, the pond, the insect hotels in slope, in the troughs, as decoration and all liebevollst designed close to nature with beautiful companion plants. I hope you are as excited about this special gem, as I do. These are pictures from a garden in the North of Bavaria. You can find Sempervivum in all places, in all decorations, at the top of the insect hotels near the pond and in the borders. I hope you enjoy this lovely garden.
I leave you first with the garden and pictures alone tell you at the end, why I visited this garden.
I hope you can see all of wonderful little details.
Sedum and Sempervivum
Linaria alpina
Sempervivum (cristat shape)
Cristatform a Sempervivum
Campanula carpatica, Androsace
Geranium, Veronica
And this was the reason that we Manfred Services were allowed to come: the annual meeting of Sempervivum specialist group of the GdS.
the shop talk was about two and a half days. Here, from right to left: "Manfred" the owner of the beautiful garden with a great love of natural forms in the houseleeks, "Banker07" a passionate collector, "Astrantia", that I blog you can only put your heart, with so much dedication, as it is done and the blog partner " Grünzeux " I've searched for the television images as a partner and also has a highly recommended blog. The TV movie you can watch the way in the new post on See his blog. I found it unfortunate that important was cut out, as we both try to explain to the television crew, what a wonderful community we are here. But I can assure you here so once again how much I appreciate how loving your own demands were, if I was doing well. Yes, it goes with so many nice Mitbloggern because it must go well to me easy.
The AGM was taken as an opportunity to honor Volkmar Schara. He is the breeder of the Sempervivum 2008. The breeding of new species of Sempervivum is his passion and his garden is also a huge, Sempervivum-nursery.
He called the award-winning Semps in honor of the great botanist, who, unfortunately, that day could not be with us, Dr. Fritz Köhlein.
Also, our first chairman Hans-Joerg Gensch reviewed enthusiastically in Hamburg Manfred's garden.
Even with Martin Haberer I could lead, as with all other Sempsverrückten good discussions. It was a very inspiring weekend and I have a lot more about my "Sempervivum" learned.
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