Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flash Game Like Pusooy

40 Years Of Pain

40 years ago today, Joe Harvey's Newcastle United won the Inter Cities Fairs Cup . The fact that the last title of the club's history to date would be, no one could guess at that time.

was 6-2 with goals from round game to United in the previous tournament of the UEFA Cup against the Hungarian representative Ujpest Dozsa. If you feel pity for the Magpies, who lifted it just a glass to the men Iam McFaul, David Craig, Frank Clark, Tommy Gibb, Ollie Burton, Captain Bobby Moncur, Jimmy Scott, Pop Robson, Wyn Davies, Benny Arentoft, Jackie Sinclair and Aan Foggon.

Another national achievement since 1955 can be even coming. assume that this period of suffering as a second division side coming to an end, are considerable doubts. Perhaps considering Man United, we buy with the money and use Ronaldo as a farm team. £ 100 million and you are in the race !

Source: desperate


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