A headline after the other, both in print and on Skysports & Co. in the net. Unwanted players to be deported as promised performers. Crouch to Wolfsburg? Sagna for Real? Villa to Liverpool? etc. blah blah blah. In this style it will go until the end of August and.
nufc.com out even its own list of all the rumors that buzz for years at Newcastle United and also occur this summer, despite being second class are often above average. Consider, for once, the list of August 2006 - as potential new entrants were including Ronaldo, Ashley Cole and Miro Klose traded. Of a total of 29''Rumours''and alleged transfers sensation finally turned out to be a single true (Martins). So, dear football community: not panic if the superstar allegedly left the club, or a full post is treated as a transfer sensation. In the event that something undesirable to implement them in reality, however, I have no recipe.
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